Does QR code table ordering grow sales?

October 3, 2022

Digital ordering from the table has been making moves globally with the New Zealand hospitality sector rapidly adopting more of this technology. You’ll hear benefits such as growing your customer database, lifting sales and easing pressure on staff who can now focus on the hosting aspect, rather than the transactional part. All of those impacts are true, but what are the other trends not talked about?

Venue format and QR code ordering

A common position we work with is a venue wanting to ‘dip the toe’ to see how a table order service performs; and quite rightly so. It can be a daunting proposition to make a full transition from wait staff taking orders, to a new format of taking orders digitally. But there are many ways to use a mobile order platform and a hybrid format is highly encouraged to get started. Keeping the format the same and having the QR code system available to customers lets them drive their own experience. On nearly all occasions, bar owners are surprised at the positive response to QR code ordering.

Global adoption of mobile order technology

The UK, Australia and the US have been mass adopting mobile table order technology in the last two years. Since international boarders reopened, travelled New Zealanders are returning back to home with new customer behaviours. The market pre-COVID19 may not have accepted a digital table order service, however globally the sector is shifting to more digital and the timing is now right for the New Zealand market. 

Faster bar order times

Watch it fire when bar lines are long! As a customer, there is nothing worse than standing in line for a round of drinks when all of your friends are back at the table having fun. If you’ve experienced this, then you know if the option existed to order a drink quicker and remain at the table with mates, you’d entertain that option nearly every time. This is the exact problem bars are solving and those who launch a mobile order and pay platform are now experiencing faster repeat order times and reduced lost revenue potential.   

If you’re a bar or restaurant owner and unsure about the transition, ‘dipping the toe’ is absolutely the best option to see if a mobile table order platform works best for your format. A full adoption of a QR code table order service can be too much change, however a hybrid approach is a great method to getting a transition started.

Learn more hereClick here to read more (6min read)

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